Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog Entry #6: Logo Parodies that speak the truth

This image shows the repetition of green, light green and yellow forming a curved triangle shape. This shape is assembled to create a flower-like image. This image is presented on a black turtle dripping with a strong contrast with the background and the flower logo.

The main symbol is the green and yellow BP logo (the floral shape). In addition is a turtle behind this logo. This turtle looks as if it is covered in oil, and the oil is dripping off the turtle representing the oil that was released into the sea. The B and P are given acronyms, which represent what people think about BP.

Their corporation brought exploitation to the world because of the oil spill and now they recognized as evil people. Greenpeace UK is frustrating to make responsiveness that BP is a business that is unsafe and has bad meanings. The logo's goals and alertness it is trying to show is obvious.

Blog Entry #5: Digital Actors

I think that this is both acting an animation. I think it is acting because without the actors, there will be no facial features to combine or use. Motion tracking plays a major role in animation because sensors follow the actor’s movements and corresponding to what the sensors picks up, the animation is made.
There should be awards given to the actors of this film although most of it is animation because the animation is based on the facial gestures and movements that not anybody can perform for film. It is technically like a normal film with normal characters but the only thing different is that there are a lot of tweaks (like size, color, etc.).
I do unfortunately think that actors will one day become obsolete. After the constant use of actors just for basic movements, a template could be made where these movements are easier to make digitally and all the facial gestures would be able to do with a few codes.

Blog Entry #4: From Spray Can to light: Graffiti Revisited.

This composition shows basic curved and straight lines without much detail. There is a mix of horizontal and vertical lines, which suggest calmness, which looks correspondent with the ‘light-man’, very laid back.
The amount of space the light man takes from the whole picture is maybe one third and is centered showing. This composition has smooth edges and may appear to ones eye as a serious picture because of the brownish background in contrast with the not so think light bright blue/white mix. I like this composition because it gives a realistic an intense feeling like “The Godfather” or “The Sopranos”.

This composition shows a new style of spray-paint graffiti. It gives you an illusion that there is a real human maid standing on the sidewalk cleaning. I see major contrast incorporated to show the main attention, the maid and the back ‘bricked wall’. The very dark bricked wall is in contrast also to bring to your awareness that there may be something mysterious behind the curtain. This composition is mostly in a horizontal direction. The cracks and bricks indicate a rather rough texture.

Both light graffiti and traditional graffiti has it's similarities and differences. Some similarities would be that they both emit a calm atmosphere to the viewer, both are unique compared to other graffiti’s in the same category, and both have a strong contrast. Some differences would be the fact that they are made in completely different way: one is created through light exposure, the other is created wit spray paint. The light graffiti erasable, the other is not easily erasable. These are only some of many comparable features of the two different styles of photos.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog Entry #3: Mashups and Copyright Law


This mash up is a mix made by a popular DJ who’s nickname goes by the name of Danger Mouse. He was trying to express his musical talents through an abstract perspective using two completely different genres of music (rap and rock) and making one song.
Unfortunately Dj Danger Mouse technically disobey the copyright because he used copyrighted creations of Jay-Z and The Beatles to produce a song that can be profited without any of the artists permissions.
In my opinion, a mash up like this does require copyright permission because Dj Danger Mouse used two products separately sold of 2 different profiting company’s product. Dj Danger Mouse is using the soundtrack without the owners permission to make his own creation and a) making profit out of his soundtrack, b) claiming the soundtrack to be fully his, c) has no respect nor does he ask for permission of use.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Entry #2: A Look at Music Videos

Swedish House Mafia - One (Your Name) feat Pharrell - Official Video found on House

My first impression of this video was that it was very different than what you would normally see in a music video. There were really quick cuts but made the viewer understand the story the directer was trying to pursue. A lot of the scenes were quite random at first but everything has meaning once you closely look at what each scene is showing and remembering the songs title "One Know Your Name".
The video stuck to its name very well when really paid attention.
Here is my interpretation of the music video and the meaning of the scenes.

The video starts off by the start/creation of the song.

A close up of an eye with video playing on the pupil. This shot tried to show that it is what you see through your eyes that matters not anyone else's and if you see something good, you head that way.

Video shows some personalities people you meet can have.

The first one is a woman kissing the synthesizer, which shows that a person can persuade you through sensuality or physical actions producing emotions, which is an incorrect way to judge love.

One shows his bicep muscles, which may attract others in an incorrect way also.

Then there is a scene showing a mask behind someone’s head and the head quickly turn to face the camera, showing a new face. This shows that people can act as a different way so watch out!

The flashing “YOU’RE NAME” shows that many people can force you and will not stop annoying you until they get what they want, but it is up to you to do what is right.

Eyes wide open shows that you should always be on a look out.

Many masks are used to define the ability of people to act differently towards you, then when taking the mask off, they change and become their selves, which is not what you saw before.

From here on, the video demonstrates catastrophic scenes that may be created through bad choices.

Person jumps on the table on which the music is being produced and disturbs you from progressing. If you don’t deal with your problems now, it will come back later on in your life and come with a bang.

A person punched the DJ in the face, which can represent trust. If you do not trust the right people, they can crate great deal of damage in your life. Know who your friends are because they also reflect an image of you to others.

Synthesizer gets taken away from the DJ. If you take the wrong choice, everything can be taken away from you. The synthesizer was the DJ’s way of feeling good and he made his living out of it, now it is taken away.

The camera falls down from a birds-eye view and hits the knocked out DJ on his head. This shows that you can lose EVERYTHING and your whole life can come crashing down on top of your head.

All in all, this music video really talks about your life choice and the things that can happen when making the wrong choices. As mentioned before, while watching this video for the first time, you really have no idea what its trying to point out, there is no meaning. Hopefully after my interpretation, you understand a concept that may have been used in this video.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog entry#1: Art Imitating Media Imitating Life

Privacy on Social Networking Sites

I use a couple of social networking sites such as formspring, facebook, and youtube.  I understand that there are some content which when exposing can negatively scar my life in the future but there are some content that are appropriate for publishing on a social networking site. Remembering that the content I post on these kinds of sites is public (which means anyone can view them) therefore I post things that do not embarrass or hurt anyone or myself.

I control what content people see about me, especially on facebook, I restrict access from certain people or everyone so that the content uploaded may remain private and under my control.

I sometimes enable the option ‘unlisted’ on youtube so that only the people who I give the specific unique link to, can view it. If you do not have the link, you cannot find it through a search engine.

If I do not like the attitude or ideas of a question on formspring, I can block that user form commenting on my profile and delete the question wither or not the user is anonymous.
            I also have the option to erase my profile from social networking sites to prevent people from contacting me or reading/exposing any unblocked personal information.
All in all, you must know how to control your personal information if you do not want your personal information to end up into abusive hands.
